Friday, April 15, 2005

2. A recipe : Spaghetti Bolognese ( M'sian flavour ) : For Acrix

This original recipe was given or handed over to me by a turkish cook who has spent more than 10 years working somewhere near Rome. He later migrated to the UK and open a Pizza restaurant somewhere in Hertford town , North of London. On summer 1989 , with nothing to do I started doing ad hoc part time works until I was given to do dishes at this turkish Pizza Restaurant. After two weeks doing the dishes , they let me cut the onions , and then all the bits and pieces ingredients for the pizzas. After a month they let me or rather show me how to do the dough. And then preparing 300 pieces of pizza base in 2 hours. Two months later , they let me do the mixing of the pizzas ingredient upon order , and then the bolognese recipe was handed over to me. If my memories serves me right , here it goes :

1. A packet of spaghetti ( ha ha simple ain't it !)
2. onions
3. garlic
4. halia ( what was it in english ???)
5. either chilli powder or chilli paste.
6. daun pandan ( my own addition to the menu)
7. some mince meat.
8. cant remember some spice ( will let u know)
9. tomatoes ( fresh or canned )
10. salt
11. sugar
12. plain water
13. will add on once I start explaining what to do next

Cooking it : (msian flavour , not the way the europeans likes it)

Fry the mince meat with big chunks of halia and small cut onions with some herbs I cant remember the name..... Msian style add one slice of pandan . Once the mince meat a bit fried , drained it and take out the Halia and the pandan

The Sauce:

Onions cut into small cubes
Garlic in whatever size you love to eat
now a bit of halia , crush.
Add a bit of cooking oil to the pan and heat it.
Add the onions , halia and garlic when it went smokey...

chilli powder add with water or chilli paste add to the pan when the onions smells good...
put in the tomatoes.
let it simmer....add sugar and salt to your liking
now add the drained and fried mince meat.

the pandan , dont throw it away , now dump it to the pan
a bit of water, not to make it a bit sticky.

now magic , depend how you want it to be .
if you want it to be sticky , add crushed and whipped potatoes.
if you want it to be sticky and sweet , find the red sweet potatoes
or if you want it to be full of tomatoes flavour , add tomato purees...

Spaghetti , once boiled and drained , serve it hot with the sauce.


ps I do hope Jason dont ask me to make any reference to any chef for the recipe...